Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The nicest house I may ever live in....

Here is where the interns stay. This place is totally beautiful, and has been the shelter and workplace of some of the most famous artists of our time. Reading this blog is one thing, but nothing will prepare you for your first experience at Skidmore.

5 Skidmore place, today.

Early 60's: Tatyana Grosman and Jasper Johns
This is the original site of the ULAE facility. The company was started here.

It will be isolating at times, as I mentioned last week. Try to take advantage of this new place, and the facilities. I opt toward cooking for myself, or trying a new restaurant. Ask the ULAE staff where to go, or venture out on your own. Be aware: even though the island seems small - it is easy to get lost. Just know that your major highways and roads are all east/west, and that you will often not notice when you crossing from town to town. Street names change back and forth - just mapquest everything for awhile.


Here is the main living room. The house is full of art books and Russian literature. Every wall has a print or painting on it, many signed artists proofs by Johns or Rauschenburg.


As I understand it - this was at one time, Jasper Johns' personal studio space. It is a bit hidden away from the rest of the house, attached to Tatyana's old bedroom by a tiny doorway.


This is a sort of sun room, totally full of books. A great place to relax and look at great art. Again, many of these are Tatyana's personal books, signed by Rosenquist, Winters or Johns.


This kitchen is amazing. I spend a great deal of time here.

There are a great deal of things not pictured here - as I said, noting will prepare you for what's in store for you here.

Knowing your budget will help in advance:
- expenses to and from NYC up to 400$ (all subway, taxi and trains are paid for)
- food 18$ per dinner, 10$ per lunch (no booze or cigarrettes will be covered)
- museum entry, art lectures and tours
- telephone bill
- hygeine and other neccessities
- gas and routine maintenance for your vehicle

- Theatre tickets, Concert tickets
- General sightseeing
- Travel beyond NYC
- Nightclubs
- Magazines, Books, CD's
- Extra Curricular classes, Materials

Plus: You will be expected to clean, and keep an eye on the heating and electric. you will have a landline and cable. Just be practical and reasonable with your expenses. Be up front and keep all of your reciepts. You will be reimbursed for anything you spend out of pocket for neccessities. Bring some funny money with you for uncovered expenses.

The studio here is at your disposal IF: You make sure not to disturb existng plates, stones or work. Guest artists work here quite frequently, as do the litho printers. This press is the only press at ULAE set up to run stones.


This is a shot of the stone storage behind the Skidmore litho press. Yes, this is all at the house. Behind the house there is a massive deposit of broken litho stones.

I highly recommend getting a printer to help you get set up with a plate to etch, a stone to grain or a litho plate to draw on. You might also bring some of your own work to keep you occupied. I have several things in the works - which I will touch on next week.


Everyone here will tell you that Skidmore is haunted - and the general consensus is that it is Tatyana. She lived in this house, and started the company there. This house has a tremendous history, so it isn't suprising that it might feel a bit off. I can tell you that you will hear a lot of things. Some house sounds, and some unaccounted for. Tatyana might keep you up at night, and you may feel not alone at many times, but just know that the energy is good. She was an amazing lady who touched a lot of lives. Be good to the house, draw from it's energy, and you will be fine.

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