Monday, January 28, 2008

The ULAE Studio at Clinton Ave., Bayshore

The facilities here are unbelievable - and there is a lot to take in. I may not have time to learn what everything does, but I have already gotten some time in helping printers, and there is simply no better way to learn than hanging with these guys. This is a very, very brief tour of Clinton, I couldn't possibly cover it all - but you will see a lot more of the studio in the coming week as I outline my experiences as an apprentice. (Note the use of the word apprentice: it has much nicer sound to it. There are intern jobs, and there are apprentice jobs. If you have any interest in learning about these presses, you'll have to get in there and get your hands dirty.)

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A master printer work on an offset press in the studio "across the street." The offset press is used to produce large quantities of lithographic prints. There are three of such presses at ULAE.

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This is a motorized press used for printing very large intaglio prints, or etchings.

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Here is an old school letter press, which as far as I can tell is used primarily for portfolio type, but I have also seen it used to generate text on litho plates.

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This press hasn't been used since I've been here - but it is one of the three offset presses here.

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This is the press I've become most familiar with. One of the printers has let me help him with a few proofs and even an edition. I will go into the details of my first hand experience a little later.

The ceilings of the main studio have large portraits of artists working here and at the studio in Skidmore Place. It's fun to pick out where the are in each photo and try to picture Barnett Newman or Lee Bontecou standing in that exact location when you get home.

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A portrait of Tatyana overlooks it all - if you mess up, she'll know.

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