Friday, November 9, 2007

Getting down to buisness!!!

So as a intern here you will be expected to do work....Duh! So what types of work will this entail you might ask? (Sometimes I still ask myself the same question) Well my answer is it all really depends, it can change day to day or week to week. What you really need to know is that it varies greatly and can at times be frustrating. You could for instance be working on a print for several weeks and when thats done you might be raking tons and tons of leaves. Alot of what you end up doing is based on what needs to be done around the studio and what other people don't have enough time to do. You run alot of errands, pick up lunch, pick up people from the train station, and various other such things. Sometimes you will be required to go to the city and help out with a gallery opening. Since I was here during the 50 year celebration I did alot of work to help prepare for that. You do dishes, read through magazines to find ULAE artist, sweep, take out trash.....etc. One might ask why would I want to do this stuff, and my answer is that though the work sometimes might be boring or menial there is a huge possibility to what you can learn or do while in NY, and its basically FREE. Because when it really comes down to it, its what you choose to do with your time and what you choose to learn that matters most. NYC is a beacon for possibility.....To expand your mind, expand your future and expand your wallet.

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