Terry Winters came and painted on a stone. That was really fun to watch. We ate sushi at Skidmore and it was an odd feeling being an intern and a sort of hostess at the same time. Kind of conflicting because I sleep there, but I'm not a true host. I hope that makes sense. Bill Jensen also came, wow does he make a lot of work. There isn't a lot for me to do at work but it's still fun. I am still learning a lot from the printer boys and I'm excited for more artists to come.
I had a friend move to Manhattan and she took me to go see Jude Law in Hamlet. I didn't really have any expectations, probably because I had only ever read Hamlet and never seen it performed, and also because it seems like if you're a big name actor, then you play Hamlet, more of a career milestone than anything else. But Jude Law was really fantastic, I found myself hanging on every word. Really a good performance. It's not all modernized, either, it's straight Shakespeare and I like that. I would recommend it.
I went to some galleries on the Upper East Side last weekend and that was a good time. The galleries are sometimes strange, you have to go up to a certain floor and then find your way through office space or buzz for a door that you hope is right. It's very reassuring when you see other people though. Some exhibits were definitely more interesting than others, but overall I enjoyed the experience. There are many more galleries that I hope to see, but as I am currently stuck in bed for the weekend with a sinus infection, we'll shoot for next weekend when my sister will be visiting! While I was gallery hopping, I found this really great bookstore called Rizzoli. It has wood floors, the kind that creak when you shift toward the next book and wooden railed stair cases leading to its three floors. The second floor is filled with beautiful art books, including many featuring ULAE artists, I was please to find, and the third floor has load of Italian books! Which only means I spent too much money. Listening to Italians come in and ask for certain books really made me feel the diversity of the city, when I had only encountered this circumstance in Italy. There were French books as well, and just like that, three languages were being spoken at once, inside this lovely bookstore. It made me feel not so lonely, somehow.
Winter is coming, the leaves are starting to change and it's getting colder. And wetter. I am painting more, but never enough. I am also taking ballet and have been for a month or so. The school is called Lumiere Ballet and everyone there is very friendly and encouraging to the ballroom dancer who tries very hard... I get to dance in the Nutcracker with them and I am very excited. It's nice to have some friends outside of work, as well as having something to do besides work and painting. Well, as I said, my sister is coming next week and I'm so excited to have her. If only she could bring that puppy that I miss so much.
Well, like I said, I know more has happened, but I'll just have to blog more often so I don't forget. TTFN. Ta-ta for now.